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Illusion | Drawing SeriesDiscourse Production-Red Sun & Lighthouse2020
The "Discourse Production" series of works discuss the particular meaning of social discourse in mainland China. In recent years, a series of discourses have emerged in mainland China has been produced spontaneously by the people. The "Discourse Production" series attempts to respond it in the form of painting and to represent the illusion behind this discourse. 

Red Sun:113×74cm
The term "Red Sun" comes from the sentence "Chairman Mao is our Red Sun". This phrase was very famous in China before the 1990s and is by now a well-known phrase. In this work, the monument to the People's Heroes in Tiananmen Square has been erased from the image and replaced with a radiant "red supergiant".

The word "lighthouse" comes from the phrase "America is the lighthouse of democracy". This phrase was quite popular in China in the 1980s. With the change of time, as one of the results of the current Chinese social discourse production, "lighthouse" means "America is in the dusk" instead of "lighting up the light in the darkness".

sumi ink on paper
subpoplui@gmail.comTEL: +86 136 9927 9947